The Annual Staff Holiday Party at Durland was on January 3rd. Read the Recap!
Recap: Eager Beaver Weekend 2022

Last year's porch project, "finished"
The 2022 Eager Beaver Work Weekend was a great success. A small but hearty crew of old and new hands accomplished much. This year we were joined by scouts and leaders new to Camp Read from Troop #38, Warrick, NY. They were instrumental in setting up tents in Camp Waubeeka under the direction of Bailey Pitonza, Crew Chief. Welcome to Camp Read, Troop 38, and thanks for your help!
Upon our arrival, some of this year’s staff including Shane, Jim, Clayton and Jamie were already well into projects as part of the pre-staff experience!
There were a number of tasks that Ranger Kris O’Conner outlined for the CRA to undertake. These included painting at STEM Ranch, repairs to vehicles, cleaning windows, staining, polying, tree work, installing tech equipment shelving in the commissary, and of course, kitchen help with food prep and clean-up for the weekend meals.
A few CRA members (Tim Haag, Tom Dietz, and Dave Morris) arrived early to build wooden surrounds to dress up the serving line stations. They really make the dining hall look great after the refurbishing to the interior. Coats of polyurethane were applied to the surrounds by John Hradsky, Frank Graessle, and Babs over the weekend. Thanks for putting on the “finishing” touches!

The "surrounds", unfinished
Bill Daley and Tom Chlupsa also arrived early to continue working on their communication and WiFi improvements for the Buckskin Staff Area, Trading Post and Porch, and Newton Hall. Part of this project included installation of an antenna on the Buckskin Office roof.
Ranger Keith Wiggers came up from Durland to do tree maintenance on the road near Lake Waubeeka, and downtown Buckskin (for line of sight clearance to facilitate communications). Again, several members, including Mark Costanza and Dave Morris, worked under his direction to get this accomplished.
You’ll be happy to know that those who stayed could sleep more comfortably with the new window screens and fans for the Pearlman Building “Bunk House”.
Additional projects took place as well inside and outside the dining hall. It was wonderful to gather once again in the Buckskin Dining Hall to sing grace and engage in conversation while enjoying our meals.
At Saturday’s evening meal, our President Bill Daley welcomed all to Camp Read and spoke about the importance of the CRA and its contribution to Camp. This was after he had cooked our meal! In fact Chef Bill prepared the menus, shopped for the provisions, and cooked all our meals assisted by Peter Oberdorf, Dave Morris, Greg Pitonza, Frank Graessle and Pre-staff Jim. No one went hungry!
Kudos to Bill and all who made this years Eager Beaver Work Weekend a great success.
As we all know, there are always plenty of projects to do at camp, especially preparing for the upcoming summer season. This is one way the CRA helps with camp. It also provides an opportunity to meet new friends, and share memories of days (and years) past with old friends. This is more than enough reason to join in the cause for next year. Hope to see you next June!
Yours in scouting,
The Eager Beaver Committee

Chef Daley. He does it all!

Dave Morris, ready to man the chipper.

Keith & help loading the dump truck
Peter Oberdorf (R) & friends

Restored wall by the shop